Fire in the Sky

Bryce Hoodoos

Two For a Dollar?

Feather Bed

Fall Mosiac

Nature's Artistry

Antelope Canyon


Liken This Bed

Fall Pastels


Nice Bryce

Floating Leaves

UP Fall Mosiac

Mother and Daughter

Nice Bryce Twice

Icy Leaves

Birch Collage

Birchin' Maple

da Wave

Lichen This Bed?

Lichen Mosiac

Keeweenaw Sunrise

Rock Mosiac

Superior Sunset

Spring Mosiac

Wild Rose

Rock Collage

Rock Mosiac

Michigan, My Michigan

Toad's Bed

Monarch Mosiac

Naughty Pine!

Maple Leaves

Michigan Monet  No.11

I could not spend all my time in Autumn,

Tork's Woods

Ghost Tree


Grand Canyon Pastel

Beauty captured in the mind is never forgotten.

Fall Garden

Paradise Spring

The peace of mind that nature offers is always there.

Pin Cherry

Antelope Canyon

Morning Dew

If man inspects nature closely...there is wonder

Rio Grande

Georgia Spring


Grand Canyon


Michigan Mosiac

Merry Asters

Lichen this Maple

Painted Forest

Prismatic Spring

Fall Forest

Hunter Lake Reflection

Fall Sentinals

Fallin' Monet?

Would it be that Monet would have found inspiration

in this, "Michigan Monet"?

when every leaf brings forth it's beauty.

Like spring's flowering it ir in fall,

The glory of Nature is in each passing vision.

for surely my heart would burst.

to be found in each square foot.

Spring must be the season when Nature!!

my troubles seem to be of less importance...

Dave Hunter

Bunch 'o Ferns

Michigan Monet No. 11

I have often found that when I am immensed in nature,